First Place Sci-Fi Unit at Salute 2014

Well I’m ecstatically happy to report that my Infinity Aleph squad took first place in the Salute painting competition sci-fi unit category!

Finished Infinity Aleph Squad

Here you can see them on the base plinth I constructed out of plasticard to help tie them all together. I thought it would just be a bit more interesting than having them sat on a plain black plinth so I basically replicated the basing techniques I’ve been using throughout but on a larger scale.

It was a good show and I deliberately took it easy this year, just strolling about and enjoying the excellent demo tables while trying to restrain myself from buying shiny things. I actually succeeded at that objective and came away with nothing but my competition trophy. Good boy, Max!

Impressive Wargame Demo

Unfortunately I failed at one of my aims – that of playing some demo games. There’s only so much you can see and do in the time and what with the socialising with fellow painters and gamers and browsing all the stands, it’s hard to find time to sit down for a half hour or more to try stuff out. That said, the two systems I had wanted to try out – Mercs Recon and Gruntz – I never came across. Not sure if they were there but it’s surprisingly easy to miss stuff even if they were.

Hisao at Salute

One nice little bonus was seeing my Bushido commission piece in the GCT Studios display cabinet. That made me happy and a bit proud!

~ by Max Von Deadlock on April 13, 2014.

4 Responses to “First Place Sci-Fi Unit at Salute 2014”

  1. Congratulations!


  2. Fancy a rematch next year? I can’t let you beat me in this category again ๐Ÿ™‚
    You deserved the win though to be fair.


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